Mountaineering and Climbing

Climbing in harmony with nature

Climbing enthusiasts and adventure seekers can explore the surroundings on well-secured climbing routes. Especially the climbing areas "Kraftwerkswand" as well as "Weisswand" made of limestone with a view of crystal clear mountain lakes and imposing mountain peaks promise a special climbing experience. The circular hiking trail to the Stuiben Falls also has one or two adventures in store. If the weather does not play along, small and big climbing fans do not have to give up their favorite sport. For example, the bouldering hall in Weissenbach is the right place to go. The Active Card program of the Reutte Nature Park Region offers numerous guided hikes.

Nature Park Region Reutte Climbing crags

Climbing in harmony with nature

Climbing is a nature sport - but in the alpine nature many users are at home or live and work in it: wildlife, foresters, mountain farmers, hunters, etc.

Thus, different demands meet each other. Therefore, the Alpine Club, the nature park management, the municipalities and the tourism association are committed to a good coexistence of climbers and other users.

Show consideration 10 rules for safe and clean climbing

1. parking only in designated parking areas

2. use marked access paths

3. if there is no clear path, walk on the edge of forest and meadow

4. dispose of garbage

5. observe rest periods in darkness and winter

6. close pasture fences again

7. dogs always on the leash

8. avoid noise

9. clean routes/boulder and remove chalk remains

10. show consideration for game

Guides Mountain and ski guide