*NEW: since spring 2023* Elfi Travel Companion

Your digital travel companion through the 11 villages of the nature park region Reutte.

Hello, my name is Elfi

With the digital travel companion Elfi, you're top informed during your vacation in the nature park region Reutte.


Get to know the region even better with your very own travel companion "Elfi" and learn all about the numerous highlights, offers, activities, and events during your vacation.

Hier anmelden und zahlreiche Vorteile sofort genießen! Register:

For guests staying one night or more Elfi-APP for guests

14 days before the start of your vacation, you will receive your personal access link to your Elfi account. Subsequently, you can register via the link using your name and password.


Tip: Save the app on your smartphone to have it readily available at all times.

For day visitors and locals Elfi APP for everyday life

Whether day visitor or local, the Elfi app is here for you too.


From being your travel companion, Elfi transforms into your regional guide, offering you practical tips on weather reports, live information, addresses, and highlights.


For all users of the travel companion without overnight stays in the nature park region Reutte:

Questions and answers Contact our Elfi: